Friday, September 21, 2018


Hola familia!
We just had transfers this week and I found out that I'll be staying here in Ruta for another transfer with Elder Esse. I'm pretty excited about that! Unfortunately Leti and her mom didn't come to church this week. I don't know why but we are going to pass by tomorrow and see what happened with them. We visited them with a member this week and had a great lesson, and they said they were gonna come. But we are going to pass by tomorrow and see how they are doing. 

We are really trying to get the members involved here now that we have found a good group of investigators. We have been trying to get them to come out with us or if not invite some of their friends to church and we have seen some good results because of it. A couple of weeks ago we had lunch with a member family and they had a friend come over for lunch and we were able to talk to her and tell her about the Plan of Salvation. The member family seemed to be pretty happy about it and yesterday there friend came to church! It was so great to see her there and see how the members can have a huge impact on missionary work. There are so many people that really need the gospel in their lives, all they are waiting for is just an invitation to come. I feel like now the members are trying to invite more and they can see that it really is possible to invite their friends to receive the gospel! This next transfer we are going to try and work a lot with them and help grow this branch.

Something else that happened this week, we have been visiting a family of three these past couple of weeks and they have been really open to learn about the gospel and invite us in to teach. Afredo, Mirla, and Mattias are their names. They understand a lot and believe in God but have never really been active in a church or really been that into the gospel. We have been wanting to put a baptismal date with them to help grow their faith but it just hasn't felt right to do it yet. But this week we had a lesson with them and talked about the Plan of Salvation and how when we exercise faith, repent, are baptized, recieve the gift of the Holy Ghost, and endure to the end we will be cleansed from sin and be prepared to one day live with God again. We played a little game to help them understand better and after the game were able to invite them to be baptized. We were a little nervous on how they would respond but we had the faith and went for it. They were a little bit unsure at first and didn't know if they wanted to . But then we were able to testify of the blessing they could receive and how they could pray and ask Heavenly Father to help them know and feel it's true so that they could be prepared to follow Jesus Christ and enter the waters of baptism. There was a good feeling in the room and they said they would like to prepare themselves and ask if it's true. It was great to be apart of and I really can see this family following in the gospel. It makes me so grateful to think how lucky we are to have the opportunity to pray and seek direction from a Heavenly Father who is all powerful and knows all things. He has everything and gives us the opportunity to ask Him and get answers. How great is that! I am very grateful for prayer and know that He listens. Have a good week! Much love
Elder Reilly

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