Tuesday, October 2, 2018


Hola Familia!!
I hope all is good over there! I want to just start off by saying congratulations mom on finishing chemo! AHHH that makes me so happy, what a beast mom!! 

But I cant believe it’s already October, time is flying by sooo fast! I’m still still here in Ruta with Elder Esse. There is a lot of good stuff happening over here. It’s been a little slow the past couple of weeks with finding some new people to teach that really want to progress, so we have been praying a lot lately to find some families that really need the gospel in their lives and that have a desire to accept and follow in the gospel. We have been working really hard and have seen how the Lord is listening and is answering our prayers. 

One example of that was last week we were looking for some new people and we contacted a lady named Graciela. She let us pass by and share with her and we had a good lesson with her and she told us she lives with her husband and 2 kids. She said we could come back another day and we did and we able to teach her again. She understood really well when we taught her about the Restoration but told us she didn't know if she could follow unless her husband was ok with it. So this past week we have been trying to plan things out so we could talk to her husbsnd and teach the whole familiy together. And yesterday we passed by and the whole family was there! Her husband came to the front gate and invited us in and we were able to teach the whole family together. We got to talking with him and He was really open with us and we were able to have a great lesson. We gave them the invitation to pray about what we taught to really know if it’s true so that their family could follow and experience the blessing the gospel brings as a family. They said they would and said we could come back another day to share more. It doesn't seem like a very big experience or anything but it really made me feel and think how Heavenly Father is always listening. We’ve been wanting to find and teach a family open to the gospel and He led us to find them. I know that prayer is real and God will always answer when we sincerely ask and do our part. I just really hope we can be led and find all those that are ready to listen and act in the gospel! I dont want to miss any! Have a good week. Love you guys
Elder Reilly

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