Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Trent - Snow in San Martin!

Hola everyone!

This week was great. We were in an appointment with this investigator family and all of the sudden the rain turned to snow and it started snowing a ton. The whole city of San Martin turned white it was awesome. It's so funny here...when it snows there's just an ongowing city snowball fight. You dont even have to know the people, and they just start throwing snowballls at you. It's a full on free for all, not even grandmas are safe. I'm serious...the people take pride in it too. And we're outside all day haha so we always have to be on guard. So that was kind of entertaining for 45 minutes until it became frustrating haha. 

Anyway, the missionary work is going great too. Man it's always a struggle to get these people coming to church on a consistent basis but we are working so hard to get them there. One thing that I have learned is that this is the Lord's work and we have to do it in His way. I have been trying to incorporate the Spirit into everything that I do. I am always listening to the Spirit and always acting on the promptings right away and something good always happens. It's awesome. It's such a special feeling to know that the Lord is on your left and your right, guiding and directing you. I love it! I have developed such a love for my Savior! I want to serve him every second of every day for two years and then never stop. I want to seek his guidance and follow it for the rest of my life! I love the mission! It's so great to be able to share this love and happiness that is filling me with everyone! Love and miss you all! Till next week!

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